Alcohol and Your Fitness

Season #3 Episode #2

Season 3, Ep. 2 of The UFFDA! Podcast discusses we've brought up covering since Ep. 1 (over a year ago).  Well, the day has finally come to talk about alcohol and the effects it has on your fitness.  Remember, we're not here to bash alcohol and make this a negative episode, but to help you understand how it can effect your fitness as well as strategies to stay in control of your fitness while consuming alcohol.  Enjoy!

Introduction to A-a-a-a-lcohol and Your Fitness - 0:51 -->  We can't waste any time talking about his topic, so let's set the stage for all things alcohol and its effects for your health and fitness.

The Truth of Alcohol and Your Health and Fitness Goals - 3:31 --> Emily and Jordan go over all the topics they'll cover about alcohol and health and fitness, including the MYTHS that are surrounding effects of alcohol and how it applies to your fitness as well as emotional decisions around alcohol.

The Nutrition of Alcohol - 5:39 -->  It's time to cover all the nutrition information you need to know about alcohol including how your body metabolizes alcohol, what that means for the body's other short-term and long-term physiological functions, and what data tracking can tell you about your alcohol consumption.

How Alcohol Impacts Your Sleep & Recovery - 13:40 --> Perhaps one of the biggest effects alcohol as on the body is towards sleep.  This may be the most important segment for you to tune into on the episode!

Alcohol and Fat Loss - 17:19 -->  If you have a fat loss goal, this is the section to dive into and learn more about how alcohol inhibits fat loss and what you can do to help stay on track with those goals while consuming alcohol (hint: it's more than moderation).

Alcohol and the Science Behind Willpower and Food Choices - 20:25 --> We all know how alcohol can impact our decision-making, but do you know why that's the case?  Tune in to find out more as well as how you can use the science to help you in the future.

Alcohol and Inflammation - 23:29 --> Alcohol plays a major role in inflammation in the body.  Your body has a regular function to help itself heal.  Basically, alcohol (being a foreign toxin) creates inflammation in the body, but also takes away from your body's normal physiological anti-inflammatory (recovery) responses.

Using the Aforementioned Information to Make Better Informed Decisions - 24:43 --> Now that you've made it this far, what do you do with all this information?  Emily and Jordan now spend some time using the information and how to take action with it (knowledge + action = power).  

The Super Bowl Drinking Trick - 26:50 --> Sip the first, have a glass of water, drink the second one slowly, have a glass of water, and don't drink like an asshole.

The Myths of Alcohol and Health & Fitness - 27:42 --> There are a couple myths we need to squash and reveal the full truth behind alcohol and how it is applied to your fitness, including beers after workout and a glass of red wine a day has more heart benefits than an hour of cardio a day.

Alternatives to Alcohol and Social Pressure - 32:50 --> The non-alcoholic beverage market is SKYROCKETING.  There are plenty of options and brands available to us, with more each day.  Emily and Jordan bring light on different options and brands to incorporate into your routine and how to help in social environments that involve alcohol.

Balancing Alcohol Intake with Your Lifestyle - 38:10 --> Your hosts give some tips and tricks to incorporate alcohol into your routine while doing your best to stay on track with your goals.

PS if you or someone you know needs to talk to someone, please reach out so we can help!  We are here for you!  Find us on social media or send a email over to [email protected] .

And if you're looking to get started with exercise or on a health and fitness journey, we try to make the starting point as easy as possible.  If you want guidance and mentorship through the journey, set up a free consultation with us by clicking here.

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